Who are the Wake & Bakes?

Wake & Bakes appear in two markets: Canada and US Cannabis

Definition: Consumers who use cannabis multiple times a day and who report using just after waking up.

Persona Stories:

Canada Wake & Bake

Canada personas-23Jenny is a 26-year-old woman who uses cannabis for her general wellbeing and mental health. She prefers THC-dominant cannabis, and typically spends over $150 a month on cannabis. She has friends that informally supply her with cannabis, but she’s also tried some well-priced legal cannabis since national legalization.

She has smoked cannabis since adulthood to keep her days stress free. Every day starts with a wake and bake over coffee, and every evening ends with a goodnight toke. Having had anxious tendencies her whole life, she finds a quick toke eases the stress of the day and allows her to relax whenever she pleases.

US Cannabis Wake & Bake

Cannabis personas-13Vinny is a 38-year-old man who has fully incorporated cannabis into his daily life. Living on the west coast, he’s always had a steady supply of cannabis. He uses many different product types, but always starts his day with inhaled cannabis – whether a joint or a dab. He especially enjoys using cannabis while playing video games. All his friends also use cannabis daily, and he enjoys taking part in the cannabis culture around him.

Spending over $350 a month on cannabis, Vinny wants his flower to taste good, be well priced, and produce relaxing effects.  


Personas were developed using a mixed-methodology approach of advanced statistical methods and qualitative expertise. We first performed multiple cluster approaches including k-means and hierarchical clustering on multiple combinations of user attributes (attitudinal and behavioral questions).  


We focused on a three-prong approach of 1) identifying cluster groups using k-means clustering; 2) isolating the top correlated attributes for each group identified; and 3) finally define distinct decision rules for each personas using the top correlated attributes. Our qualitative analysts and content experts then confirmed and verified these characteristics as well as named and described the groups.