Who are the Stressed Out Millennials?

Stressed Out Millennials appear in three markets: Canada, US Cannabis, and US CBD

Canada/US Cannabis Definition: Millennials that report using cannabis for psychological reasons (e.g. anxiety, depression, insomnia)

US CBD Definition: Millennials that report using CBD for psychological reasons (e.g. anxiety, depression, insomnia)

Persona Stories

Canada Stressed Out Millennial

Canada personas-22Alexis is a 32-year-old woman who uses cannabis to manage anxiety. She had used cannabis recreationally with friends, but never realized how calm it could make her until a friend offered her some cannabis during a panic attack in her 20’s. However, at other times cannabis made her very anxious. She continued to use occasionally, but upon national legalization, she began trying product types with different types of flower for anxiety relief, and found strains with more CBD helped her the most.

Since the launch of 2.0 products, Alexis has tried many balanced CBD:THC and CBD-dominate products, including gummies, vapes, and chocolates. She has incorporated cannabis into her daily routine to prevent anxiety and often uses prerolls to relax at home.

US Cannabis Stressed Out Millennial

Canada personas-22Alexis is a 32-year-old woman who uses cannabis to manage anxiety. She had used cannabis recreationally, but never realized how calm it could make her until a friend offered her some cannabis during a panic attack in her 20’s. Though sometimes cannabis would make her anxiety worse, she began smoking flower she’d buy from friends.  

Since cannabis became legal in her state, Alexis discovered products with THC and CBD. She tried many balanced CBD:THC products including gummies, vapes, and chocolates. With her busy days and a professional job, smoking cannabis became less realistic, so Alexis uses cannabis gummies daily to manage anxiety.  

US CBD Stressed Out Millennial

people-24Johnathan is a 30 year old man who uses CBD to help manage his anxiety at work. He’s suffered from anxiety since college, but after being promoted management, he found his daily stress hard to manage. When fulfilling new duties, Johnathan would worry about letting his coworkers down despite always getting the job done.

On evenings when Johnathan experienced anxiety before bed, he often turned to his cannabis vape to help him get to sleep, but he knew he couldn’t use THC and complete detailed work. After taking a few puffs one evening, Johnathan began Googling “cannabis for anxiety at work” and came across CBD. Becoming hopeful by what he read, Johnathan located a nearby CBD specialty store. The next morning, he stopped in, picked up a small package of CBD gummies, and ate one before walking into work. He didn’t notice anything different, so took another after lunch. A few days into the routine, Johnathan received a last-minute request, and upon finishing neatly at 5pm, he realized he didn’t feel the usual "panic mode" he was accustomed to. He finds that one or two gummies per day helps him avoid panicky feelings at work.




Personas were developed using a mixed-methodology approach of advanced statistical methods and qualitative expertise. We first performed multiple cluster approaches including k-means and hierarchical clustering on multiple combinations of user attributes (attitudinal and behavioral questions).  

We focused on a three-prong approach of 1) identifying cluster groups using k-means clustering; 2) isolating the top correlated attributes for each group identified; and 3) finally define distinct decision rules for each personas using the top correlated attributes. Our qualitative analysts and content experts then confirmed and verified these characteristics as well as named and described the groups.