Who are the Relief Seekers?

Relief Seekers appear in one market: US CBD

Definition: Individuals with medical conditions involving daily pain or discomfort (e.g. Arthritis, Migraines, Joint Pain)


Persona Story:

people-25Dale is a 57-year-old man who uses CBD to help manage the arthritis in his hands. As he approaches retiring from his career as a legal transcriber, he’s experienced more and more joint pain in his fingers during daily life. Though still sharp on the keyboard due to years of proper posture and finger exercises, he was diagnosed with arthritis that particularly affected him when doing simple tasks like eating or writing a note.

After wincing when grabbing his coffee cup at a Lion’s Club meeting, Dale’s friend pulled out an amber vial and asked if Dale knew about CBD for pain. Dale was skeptical at first, looking at the vial’s supplement facts label. “Hemp extract?!” Dale proclaimed. “Is this stuff even legal?” After a conversation about the 2018 Farm Bill and some book recommendations, Dale went online to try it for himself. The first tincture he bought was unflavored; disliking the lack of taste, Dale purchased a lemon-flavored tincture from a different brand. He took the lemon tincture daily, closely monitoring the pain in his hands. After a few days, he was able to brush his teeth and make breakfast without any disruptive pain. Having tried different tinctures over the course of 6 months, he enjoys variety of CBD tinctures available on the market. He thinks they all work well.


Personas were developed using a mixed-methodology approach of advanced statistical methods and qualitative expertise. We first performed multiple cluster approaches including k-means and hierarchical clustering on multiple combinations of user attributes (attitudinal and behavioral questions).  


We focused on a three-prong approach of 1) identifying cluster groups using k-means clustering; 2) isolating the top correlated attributes for each group identified; and 3) finally define distinct decision rules for each personas using the top correlated attributes. Our qualitative analysts and content experts then confirmed and verified these characteristics as well as named and described the groups.